
Symbolically adopt some of the wildlife species at Parque Tepuhueico and support our conservation efforts.

Each species has a different donation value, but the more you donate, the greater the rewards you’ll receive!

Thank you for joining us in protecting the forests of Chiloé!

Adopt a Pudú


The southern pudú (Pudu puda), commonly called pudú, is an iconic species of southern Chile. It mainly inhabits forests and protected areas like Parque Tepuhueico. This small natural gem is endangered due to habitat loss, road accidents, predation by dogs, and illegal hunting.

At Parque Tepuhueico, the pudú finds refuge and sustenance among the dense native forests and wild meadows.

Did you know?
The southern pudú is the second smallest deer in the world, standing just 35 to 45 centimeters tall. They are shy, solitary animals that feed on leaves, shoots, and fruits, preferring the quiet of dense forests.

What does this donation include?
In addition to helping protect the southern pudú’s habitat, you’ll receive the following rewards:

● A symbolic adoption certificate.
● Two photographs of the southern pudú captured within the park.

Adopt a Cypress of the Guaitecas


The Cypress of the Guaitecas (Pilgerodendron uviferum) is an iconic species of southern Chile, mainly found in forests and protected areas like Parque Tepuhueico. This majestic conifer is endangered due to deforestation, forest fragmentation, logging, and other human activities.

At Parque Tepuhueico, the Cypress of the Guaitecas thrives in dense native forests, where it contributes to biodiversity and ecological balance. These trees provide shelter and food for various plant and animal species, supporting ecosystem health.

Did you know?
The Cypress of the Guaitecas is one of the oldest and longest-living conifers in the world, with some trees living up to 800 years. It plays an important role in carbon sequestration and climate regulation, helping mitigate the effects of climate change.

What does this donation include?
Your support is vital for the conservation of the Cypress of the Guaitecas and the protection of its habitat. In addition to helping conserve these centuries-old trees, you’ll receive:

● A symbolic adoption certificate.
● Two photographs of iconic landscapes in Parque Tepuhueico.
● 1 entry to Parque Tepuhueico for two people.

Adopt a Monito del Monte


The Monito del Monte (Dromiciops gliroides) is an iconic species of the forests of southern Chile and Argentina, mainly found in protected forested areas. This charming creature is endangered due to deforestation, habitat fragmentation, livestock grazing, and the presence of feral domestic cats.

At Parque Tepuhueico, the Monito del Monte finds refuge and food among dense native forests of coigües and arrayanes, where its tree-climbing ability and nocturnal lifestyle help it survive.

Did you know?
The Monito del Monte is one of the smallest marsupials in the world, weighing just 30 to 40 grams. They are solitary, nocturnal animals that feed primarily on fruits, insects, and small invertebrates, playing a crucial role in seed dispersal and the ecological balance of their habitat.

What does this donation include?
Your donation will provide vital support for the protection of the Monito del Monte’s habitat and other threatened species. As a thank you, you’ll receive:

● A symbolic adoption certificate.
● Two digital photographs (one of a Monito del Monte and another of the forest in Parque Tepuhueico).
● One entry to Parque Tepuhueico for two people.
● Lunch for two at our café (sandwich, snack, and drinks).

Adopt a Gato Güiña


The Gato Güiña (Leopardus guigna) is an iconic species of southern Chile, mainly inhabiting forests and protected areas like Parque Tepuhueico. This beautiful creature is endangered due to habitat loss, forest fragmentation, illegal hunting, and human activity pressure.

At Parque Tepuhueico, the Gato Güiña finds refuge and food among dense native forests, where the melanic variety is predominant, providing ideal camouflage for survival.

Did you know?
The Gato Güiña is one of the smallest wild cats in South America, weighing only 2 to 3 kilograms. They are stealthy and reserved animals, feeding primarily on small mammals, birds, and reptiles, playing an essential role in the ecological balance.

How does adoption work?
By clicking the button below, you can fill out your details to make your donation. You’ll then receive a symbolic adoption certificate and two photographs of the Gato Güiña via email.

What does this donation include?
Your donation is vital to protect one of Chile’s most threatened felines, the Gato Güiña. As a thank you, you’ll receive:

● A symbolic adoption certificate.
● Two digital photographs of the Gato Güiña.
● One entry to Parque Tepuhueico for two people.
● A night tour for two people.

Adopt a Darwin’s Frog


Darwin’s Frog (Rhinoderma darwinii) is an iconic species found mainly in Chile, from the Bío-Bío region to the Aysén region, and marginally in Argentina’s Neuquén and Río Negro provinces.

This small amphibian is endangered due to pollution and the replacement of native forests with agricultural and exotic tree plantations.
At Parque Tepuhueico, Darwin’s Frog finds refuge among dense, moist vegetation, where its green coloring and rough skin allow it to blend in and avoid predators.

Did you know?
Darwin’s Frog is a unique species globally and is considered a living fossil, believed to have remained unchanged for millions of years. Its role in the ecosystem includes controlling insect populations and indicating environmental health.

What does this donation include?
Your support is essential for the conservation of Darwin’s Frog and the protection of its habitat. As a token of gratitude for your generosity, you’ll receive:

● A symbolic adoption certificate.
● Two digital photographs (one of Darwin’s Frog and another of the famous waterfall in Parque Tepuhueico).
● An annual membership to Parque Tepuhueico for one person.

Adopt a Huillín


The Huillín (Lontra provocax) is an iconic species of the rivers and lakes of southern Chile and is considered one of the most endangered aquatic mammals in the country. Habitat destruction, water pollution, and illegal hunting have pushed this species to the brink of extinction.

At Parque Tepuhueico, the Huillín finds a safe haven in the park’s clear rivers and lakes, where it can swim and fish freely.

Did you know?
The Huillín is endemic to Chile and a small portion of Argentina. It is one of the smallest members of the otter family. It feeds primarily on fish and crustaceans, playing a crucial role in the balance of aquatic ecosystems.
Today, fewer than 2,500 wild Huillíns remain, making it one of Chile’s most endangered mammals.

What does this donation include?
In addition to supporting the conservation of the Huillín and its habitat, you’ll receive:

● A symbolic adoption certificate.
● Two digital photographs of the Huillín.
● An annual membership to Parque Tepuhueico for one person.
● A boat tour of Parque Tepuhueico for two people.

Adopt a Darwin's Fox


The Darwin’s Fox (Lycalopex fulvipes) is an endemic species of southern Chile, found only on Chiloé Island and in the Nahuelbuta mountain range. This fascinating mammal is endangered due to habitat destruction, illegal hunting, and competition with introduced species.

At Parque Tepuhueico, Darwin’s Fox finds refuge among the dense vegetation, where its agility and adaptability allow it to survive in harsh conditions.

Did you know?
Darwin’s Fox is endemic to Chile and one of the smallest species of the Lycalopex genus. Its varied diet includes rodents, birds, insects, and fruits, playing an essential role in the ecosystem’s balance.
Currently, only about 600 Darwin’s Foxes remain, making it the most endangered canid species in the world.

What does this donation include?
In addition to being crucial for the conservation and future of the endangered Darwin’s Fox, your donation will also reward you with:

● A symbolic adoption certificate.
● Two digital photographs of Darwin’s Fox.
● An annual membership to Parque Tepuhueico for one person.
● One night at the lodge in Parque Tepuhueico for two people.